Minnesota Association of Pakistani Descent Physicians (MAPP)


Article 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be “Minnesota Association of Pakistani Descent Physicians”, hereafter referred to as “MAPP”. This Organization shall be an arm of parent organization “Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America”, hereafter referred to as “APPNA” and shall be under overall governance of APPNA Constitution.

Article 2: Aims and Objectives
MAPP shall work in conjunction with, and assist, its parent organization in advancement of medical science and in serving the needs of Physicians of Pakistani origin in North America as outlined in the APPNA Constitution.

Article 3: Memberships
Physicians (graduates of Medical and Dentistry schools) and professionals of allied sciences of Pakistani origin shall be eligible for membership. Membership shall be of the following categories: Active, Honorary, and Affiliate. Unless otherwise specified in Bylaws, Active Members shall be entitled to all of the privileges in the Organization including the right to vote and hold office. Honorary and Affiliate Members shall have the privileges of the Organization without the right to vote or hold office.

Article 4: Officers and Elected Representatives
The officers will consist of the President, President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. All the officers and elected representatives shall be elected by the general membership unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws.

Article 5: Executive Council
Executive Council shall be the governing body, consisting of the President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Immediate Past President. Executive Council shall be responsible for carrying out the activities of the Organization according to the directives set in the Bylaws. The Council shall control the financial affairs of the Organization and shall take no action contrary to the aims and objectives and overall directive of the parent organization APPNA.

Article 6: Address
Address of the Organization will change from time to time and will be determined by the president in consultation with the Executive Council until such time that a principal office is secured.

Article 7: Amendments
The Constitution may be considered for amendment if an amendment is initiated by ten active members in writing, or by motion of the Executive Council approved by its simple majority at a meeting. Such an amendment will be adopted if approved by 2/3 majority of active members of the Organization by an open or mail ballot vote.

Article 8:


The Organization shall adopt bylaws in harmony with its constitution and the constitution of its parent organization APPNA, to carry out its affairs. Robert's rule of order shall apply for conduct of its meetings. Bylaws may not restrict or alter any provision of this Constitution.

Article 9: Organization and Internal Structure
•  General Body: shall consist of duly registered active members according to the provisions provided herein. This body will have the supreme authority over the conduct of all affairs of the Organization, and may approve, reject or amend any action taken by an officer, committee or the Executive Council.
•  Executive Council: shall be the legislative and administrative body consisting of the elected officers and the regional representatives. The Council shall act for the Organization as a whole between sessions of the General Body. The Council shall appoint the committees, set date and venue of the meetings, keep membership list and undertake other activities necessary for day to day running of the Organization.
•  Board of Trustees: shall act as overseers of the Organization. It shall consist of Active Members elected as prescribed in the Bylaws.